Sebastian Syrota took my headshots and Billie Fabrikant designed all the graphics for this site.

Hello there!

Welcome to Recovering Anarchist. In a world overflowing with information, it’s easy to get lost in media that reinforces our beliefs by highjacking our emotions. Here, we’re doing something different. This is a space to step outside our bubbles, challenge assumptions, and engage deeply with the complexities of our social and political moment. Recovering Anarchist is an essay series and podcast that explores ideology, morality and social norms on the left.

Readers tell me that Recovering Anarchist puts words to experiences they couldn't make sense of, and offers a fresh perspective on our current moment.

A Bit About Me

My name is Kier Adrian Gray. I entered adulthood already an activist, who was quickly radicalized by an encounter with police violence at the age of 20. Convinced I knew how to fix a broken world, I dove headfirst into anarchism, sacrificing health, relationships and career along the way.

Then, a personal catastrophe forced me to question everything. I had to choose: stay loyal to total rebellion or build a life I wouldn’t need to run from.

For a long time, I avoided writing about my political disillusionment, fearing judgement and loss. But when I finally pressed “publish”, I was overwhelmed by messages of support from friends and strangers who shared my concerns but felt they had too much to lose to speak out.

That moment made me realize I wasn’t the only one who’d lost my footing, and was no longer certain about how to make the world a better place—there are many people out there who are starting over from scratch, and it’s a process worth documenting.

Since launching this newsletter in 2021, it has grown into a thoughtful, engaged corner of the internet. So take a look around, and if this resonates with you, kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

Inside Recovering Anarchist

When you sign up, you’ll find:

  • Essays exploring agency, transcendence, and the sacrifices we make to belong

  • A podcast delving into the personal stories and research behind the essays

  • A space to critically engage with challenging topics and rethink political ideologies.

What Subscribers Get

Paid Subscribers get full access to every essay and podcast episode, delivered every other Friday at noon PST.

Free subscribers get access to select essays and podcast episodes, delivered every other Friday at noon PST.

If you’re interested in a paid subscription but can’t afford it, I offer one-year supported subscriptions to low-income readers. Please email me at No financial details needed; we use the honour system here.

What Readers Say

“It’s so refreshing to have clearly articulated ideas about social phenomena and the way we relate to one another on the left. Reading your writing identified in words so many feelings I had been having for a long time about social justice culture but couldn’t put words to, and you lay this out extremely succinctly and accessibly. This writing is brave, bold and essential.” —Liv

“Kier Gray’s newsletter is that rare fresh scent on the winds of discourse that brings reason and rationality to today’s tortured public discourse on social justice. Gray gently, but fearlessly and relentlessly, calls out the excesses and extremes of that discourse in a way that compels supporters and detractors alike to engage. It points the way to a more fruitful and positive way for people of all generations to speak to each other.” —Scott

“Kier is one of the few lifelines out there for people on the left who have personally suffered from cancel culture, are alienated from the current state of the left, or both. I honestly think that if there were more people like Kier speaking out, people with empathy and wit, we wouldn’t see so many former comrades driven to the right. I hope other misfits like me find Kier and can start to rebuild a shattered left-the world desperately needs that.” —Shani

Guest Appearances

Theory Underground Livestream Jan 2025

The Lenny & Tyler Show Podcast

Conference Livestream: TUCON 2024

Theory Underground Podcast

Panel Discussion on Cancel Culture

Fucking Cancelled Podcast

CFRO The Pulse Interview

Follow & Contact

For inquiries, feedback, or podcast guest submissions, please use the following:

Subscribe to Recovering Anarchist

Examining ideology, morality, and social norms on the left.


Examining the complexity of agency, the search for transcendence and the sacrifices we make in order to belong.